Monday, August 16, 2010

The Little Mermaid

So I'm at the beach with one of the Hens, 'GRACE', her husband, in-laws and THE EMPRESS aka my Goddaughter Tweetie Anne Tyler Smith.  TYLER for short..whew! 
She is about to turn 6.  Going on 26.  Precocious is an understatment.  I road tripped 5 hours (usually takes almost 6...that is another story all in itself).  I said my 'heys' and went about my usual routine: pop open a cold one and unpack.  Tyler sat outside my closed door   Here is the exchange: (programming note:  I am her FAIRY Godmother hence EVERYONE in the family calls me 'Fairy').  go figure.

Me:  Baby, I am unpacking.
Me:  Well, then I guess I am going to the beach now.  Quit yelling and come inside.
Tyler:  I didn't want to intrude.  I thought you were undressed. (no lie)
Me:  No, baby come on in.  Let me get my stuff and we'll go. 
Tyler:  Fairy, I put on my polka-dotted bikini so we could sort of match. I have hot pink polka dots like your pink bikini.
Me:  Outstanding!
Tyler:  FAIRY....I lost all my front teeth!  (shows me non-pearly whites)
Me:  Did the Tooth Fairy pay you a visit?
Tyler:  Of course!  Twice last week!
After she lost tooth #1 I informed her that I was the Tooth Fairy's best friend.  I have, apparently, got MAJOR street Cred with her now. So I got THAT goin' for me...

Later on the beach we are holding hands walking in the surf and later 'baking cakes' in the sand.  She has on her blue "Blues Brothers" shades (prior to losing them in the surf) and having the time of her life.  She told me a secret...she's actually a mermaid...don't let her know I told you.

Being alone with her on the beach gave me clarity of who and what really matters in my life.  If those moments are the only thing I am able to do the entire week then that 5 hour drive was so worth it!  Since I don't have a little one she is the closest manifestation of raising a child I will ever know.
Pretty Damn Fabulous.
ox Fairy lulu


  1. Lulu, that's a sweet moment in life. I'm sure you had a great time.

  2. And those little ones are so very, very special aren't they? Enjoy your time there.

    Take care, Sue

  3. Dearest Fairy Lulu... I'm thinking that lil' darling mermaid is one LUCKY mermaid...

    I want a bikini to match!!!

    ;-D robelyn

  4. Well, Fairy, I am impressed beyond words! Your writing skills extend beyond humor and sarcasm. You make me laugh every time you write. Now, you made me laugh and cry. Damn fine job!

    It is the most special thing in the world to be loved unconditionally by a beautiful, little girl. She is so lucky to have you as her fairy godmother...especially since you have Tooth Fairy connections! You are the best!


  5. Adorable. Can't beat it. Congrats on embracing that moment and thank you for sharing it. ~Mindy

  6. Oh Lulu! What a precious post! It made me tear up. She had one fantastic Fairy I might add...

    Lou Cinda :)
